Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited facilitates the implementation of integrated waste management at a local level to overcome environmental, public health, social and economic issues inflicted by waste. |
Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited is ardently committed to following the waste minimization principle within the legal framework of the MSW Rules (2000) and it's commitment to clients and stakeholders. Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited uses BATNEEC (Best Available Technologies Not Entailing Excessive Costs) for waste management at HiMSW Ltd. based on the following 3 R's.

With a systematic integrated MSW project in place, the socio-economic benefits remain unparalleled. Organic compost is now made available at reasonable prices.
- Better quality of compost and the underlying benefits of using the compost is one of our contributions towards the planet
- Alternate fuels to substitute for fossil fuels by 10% will reduce the carbon emissions significantly and provide sustainable development
As we do our bit for the environment and for the generations to come, we strive to deliver excellence in service towards:
- Save natural resources
- Conserve energy
- Reduce pollution
- Reduce the toxicity of our waste and
- Save money for consumers and businesses
Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited is committed to protecting the environment by reducing not only the impact of MSW on city of Hyderabad but also its own operations; hence it is implementing a robust Environment Management Plan by following the same waste minimization principles.
At Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited we use the scientific methods and in compliance with Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2000, for managing municipal solid waste. The waste processing provides 4 useful by products: |
Refuse Derived Fuel |
- Refuse Derived Fuel consists of segregated material of Paper, Plastic, Coir Pith, Jute, Textile Material, Fibrous Material and other combustible material.This material can be used as alternate fuel material in boilers, cement kilns and other energy intensive industries where conventional/fossil fuels are being used.
- Dry municipal solid waste is dried, crushed, screened and packed/bailed, used as substitute to conventional fossil fuels in boilers.
Compost (Bio-organic Fertilizer) |
- The composting process includes the collection of used, reused, or unused organic material that would otherwise be considered waste; sorting and processing the recyclable products into raw materials; and manufacturing the recycled raw materials into new products like Compost.
- Bio-Organic fertilizer is made by accelerated bio conversion process under controlled conditions using remains of fruits, vegetables, food and by-products of agro process industry.
- Uses Bio-Organic fertilizer is used alone or in combination with chemical fertilizers at the time of drilling or broadcast sowing / transplanting. It can also be applied as side dressing along the rows or encircling the plants.
Recyclable Material |
The plastic after being segregated from mixed MSW is sorted into various grades using infra-red beams and then converted to ingots/granules. It's a completely dry process ensuring no pollution or contamination.
- Recycled ingots/granules reduce the requirement of fresh plastic and are used in manufacturing of trash bags, agricultural pipes, mouldings, ropes etc.
Reception of Waste
- Vehicles, drivers and payload weight logged
Tipping Floor/ Pre-sorting
- Vehicles directed to displace the waste on a secure platform in specified piles.
- Via cranes, bobcats, dozers and the staff, waste fed to the trommels for separation.
- On separation smaller particles sent to the Windrow platform.
- The larger particles sent to the refuse derived fuel (RDF) bunker.
Windrow Platform (Aerobic Composting)
- Organic waste composted for a month via the help of EM culture.
- Continuous overturning & transfer of the compost via cranes.
- Different heaps signifying different maturation levels.
Monsoon Shed (Aerobic Composting)
- The composted material is fed through two successive trommels for further separation.
- The Smaller particles are moved to the curing shed.
- The larger particles are either sent to the landfill or to the RDF bunker.
Curing Shed (Aerobic Composting)
- The material is spread out to cure
- The material is then passed through a final trommel as well as a de-stoner.
Storing & Packing facility:
- The composted material which is of a consistent fine texture is now stored in heaps.
- The EM culture coupled with the well timed process yields a nutrient rich, safe byproduct
- The material is packed and sent to fertilizer companies.
Recycling Shed:
- Segregation at source is not always carried out by, resulting in mixed solid waste.
- Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited secondary segregation at the site to ensures removal of part of the plastics.
- Plastic Granulation is also carried out.
Leachate management Systems:
- Prior to the handing over of the Jawaharnagar site, the acreage was used as a dumpsite which spawned unknown amounts of leachate and outflow into the local water bodies.
- Lake Malkaram for example has been contaminated with said leachate.
- Over time Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited, has brought down levels of leachate in the lake through cleaning efforts and created barriers to prevent the leaching out of liquids.
- The site mapping has provided us with the gradation and the general flow of the leachate from the past dump to begin damage control.
- Several solar evaporation ponds are used to maintain and check the flow of leachate along with concrete reinforced channels.
Leachate Treatment Plant:
- Leachate treatment facility.
- Through Curing, Reverse Osmosis and UV treatment, the leachate generated can be converted to a usable form of water.
- RDF bunker
- RDF fluff, or briquettes, to be used as fuel.
- Waste to energy plant, to feed energy back into the grid.
- Given our extensive knowledge with waste management, Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited has a proposal to start a training school, to equip future employable individuals with MSW training.
- Prior to the setup of Hyderabad Integrated MSW Limited, the Jawaharnagar site was used as a 350 acre dumping grounds.
- All of the city's garbage was essentially brought to the site and piled high.
- After a few years of dedicated effort by our committed staff and worker, we are proud to say that the site and the intended infrastructure & facilities are coming along as schedueled.
- Currently a fraction of the material bought to the site is disposed of in a landfill.
- The landfill follows all of the MSW 2000 rules, including multiple liners, compacted soil and leachate monitoring wells to assess the nature of the landfill & the safety of the surrounding land.